Building a business on WooCommerce has been the go-to approach for many online stores. When more than 3 million live websites are using WooCommerce, how do you make yours stand out? The touchstone for your online business to succeed is to choose a dedicated WooCommerce hosting provider.
Partnering with a Woocommerce hosting provider will lead to better set up and management of your e-commerce store. Here’s a list of how Woogo Stores can help your business with the WooCommerce hosting plans.
Choosing a Woocommerce hosting plan is time-consuming. We’re highlighting here what’s important according to us when selecting your hosting provider. If you want to know more about our WooCommerce experience, click here.
Security practices, updates and backups
When you establish your business, security is your top concern. Strategizing is important in e-commerce businesses; therefore, we use the right tools to take care of your needs.
Server Updates
While an update might sound scary, it’s vital to keep your site up to date to avoid risks. In fact, a study by Sucuri shows that 44% of the hacks happened on an outdated version of the CMS. the following:
The most notorious threats to CMS’ stem from vulnerabilities introduced by add-on modules, plugins, themes, and extensions. Common issues and themes in CMS vulnerabilities:
– Improper deployment
– Security configuration issues
– A lack of security knowledge or resources
– Overall site maintenance by webmasters
– Broken authentication and session management
It’s critical that all the software running your store, from the server to the plugins used by WooCommerce are updated regularly. Make sure you ask your hosting provider about their update schedule.
Since security threats are real, it’s our priority at Woogo Stores to update the servers, WordPress, WooCommerce and all its plugins on a daily basis. Our dedication to security means you can rest easy at night, and you can concentrate on growing your business.
File System Access
Your e-commerce site is inviting hackers at every step of the way. Indeed, in the same study by Sucuri, it is shown how bad plugins or wrong file permission can lead to malware injection. Preventing external actors from writing files on your WooCommerce site is the best way to prevent attacks.
Woogo Stores’ WoogoLock system does just that. Not only do we monitor the network with a firewall, but all the files are locked and cannot be modified from the web.
We also include for free two-form factor authentication (2FA) on all our plans. This makes sure that whoever is trying to log in is really who they are.
Server failures are bound to happen, regardless of the hosting provider. You must require in your plan a daily back up option, should something awry happens. Also, enquire if you can have access or a copy to your backups. After all, it’s your store, your data.
It’s natural for you to wonder about the kinds of backups offered, transparency, data loss, and more. Woogo Stores backs up the plans every day, 365/365. We keep 1 week-worth of backups, but you can opt-in for more. Besides, our retailer and enterprise plans offer continuous database backup. This means you can make a point-in-time recovery.
Shared hosting vs dedicated
Working out the kind of service you need shouldn’t be a daunting task. With us, you can expect a hassle-free delivery of services. Firstly, it’s essential to know the difference between the two.
Shared hosting refers to numerous customers on the same server, more like WPEngine or Bluehost. This allows for extremely cheap hosting costs (go see them, you’ll see!). However, since the resources of the service are shared with other customers, and the servers are not specifically optimized for your work case, performance is unreliable. This is not good for e-commerce in particular because speed is the name of the game. Furthermore, shared hosting is more exposed to threats since the breach of one customer would corrupt the entire server. In other words, a shared hosting contains hundreds of users with many websites which could slow down your site. Uptime and reliability become a cause for concern too. The one size fits all works for small sites, but as the business grows, you need to scale the resources.
A Dedicated server on the other hand ensures that the server is only in charge of YOUR store, and is specifically configured for your specific workload.
Hosting Speed
When your store grows, it’s significant to keep an eye out for hosting plans. Keeping a track of your usage resources is the first step to building a better store. This process involves optimizing images, content and more. Talk to your hosting provider to understand which plan will suit your business.
As discussed, when it comes to pleasing customers, there’s nothing like a fast page load. Hence, We partnered with Upcloud, the most reliable in the market. Upcloud is faster than Aws, Google Cloud Platform and Digital Ocean. To know their services, take a look at a case study here.
That’s not all. Plugins can absolutely bring an otherwise fast site to a crawl. That’s why we maintain a curated collection of the best plugins and themes on the market.
WooCommerce can handle over 100,000+ products without affecting the store’s performance. Cache plugins permit high levels of traffic with little effect on the servers. While the open-source platform provides your store with increased flexibility, the hosting provider gives you options to make your online experience unbeatable.
That’s why at Woogo Stores, Your servers are actively monitored to take note of large volume shipments. If you’re expecting a rush during an occasion, we’ll scale the servers for you, so you don’t miss a sale.
Support and Understanding your needs
Whether you’re new or a well-established business, support is the key factor in the trade. Make sure you choose a hosting provider that you trust and have a good relationship. As the saying goes, “What starts badly ends badly” and so if you doubt your host to help you when in need, find an alternative.
Woogo Stores isn’t simply a supplier but a partner in the success of your business. We’re not simply hosting your site, but we thrive on helping you in all areas. Above all, you get a Premium, Concierge Woocommerce experience to grow your business whenever and wherever.